Citizens Rights Project have produced information sheets explaining, in simple terms, a number of essential rights for EU migrants and how they can be accessed. They offer easy-to-understand guidance in different languages and provide further resources for support.
Our aim is to ensure that migrants can navigate the rights they are entitled to the easiest way possible. This will significantly benefit them, as we guide guiding them through confusing systems which many are struggling through in their second language.
So far, four of these factsheets have been translated into eight languages and contain resources for further support and guidance. We aim to translate the rest if we secure funding.
Click on the hyperlinks below to access them:
- Universal Credit: EN, HU, IT, LT, PL, RO, SP*
- Housing: EN, HU, IT, LT, PL, RO, SP
- Pensions: EN, IT
- Social Security Rights: EN, HU, IT, LV, LT, PL, RO, SP
- Access to Benefits: EN, HU, IT, LT, PL, RO, SP
- Maternity Rights: EN, IT
- Working rights: EN, IT
These factsheets have been developed to promote awareness among EU citizens as to which rights they are entitled to and how to access them, with the assistance of funding from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), The Robertson Trust, People’s Postcode Lottery, the National Lottery Community Fund, and the Scottish Government.
If you are interested in getting printed versions of any of our factsheets, let us know emailing Please tell us which info sheets and languages you are interested in. We are gathering information to assess interest before deciding how many we should print.
*BL = Bulgarian; EN = English; HU= Hungarian; IT = Italian; LV = Latvian; LT = Lithuanian; PL = Polish; RO = Romanian; SP = Spanish