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EUSS Statistics for 31st December 2022

EUSS Statistics for 31st December 2022

In late February, the Home Office published more detailed, quarterly statistics and we decided to have a closer look on the figures for Scotland and Scottish local authorities. We decided to have a look at the EUSS numbers by 31st December 2022 and compare them with those from the end of 2021.

Travelling outside the UK after Brexit for people with pre-settled or settled status or eligible to apply

Travelling outside the UK after Brexit for people with pre-settled or settled status or eligible to apply

Border rules for EU/EEA/Swiss nationals and their family members entering the UK have changed as a result of Brexit. In this post, we cover different scenarios depending on nationality, immigration status and whether you have a Certificate of Application (COA) or have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme or not.


Immigration information for UE and Non-EU nationals experiencing Domestic Abuse

Are you an EU or non-EU national in an abusive relationship whose immigration status depends on an EU/EEA/Swiss partner with settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)? If you are thinking about leaving your partner (or have already left them) because of domestic violence or abuse, and you are worried about your immigration status in the UK, you should seek legal advice from a solicitor or an OISC adviser and collect as much evidence as possible.

Υποβολή αίτησης μετά τη λήξη της  προθεσμίας  της 30ής Ιουνίου

Υποβολή αίτησης μετά τη λήξη της προθεσμίας της 30ής Ιουνίου

Όσοι πληρούν τα κριτήρια για να υποβάλουν αίτηση στο σύστημα διακανονισμού της ΕΕ μπορούν να υποβάλουν εκπρόθεσμα αίτηση για καθεστώς προσωρινής (pre-settled) ή μόνιμης παραμονής(settled), δηλαδή ακόμη και μετά την 30η Ιουνίου 2021. Μετά τη λήξη της προθεσμίας, οι αιτήσεις που υποβάλλονται εκπρόθεσμα, γίνονται δεκτές ή απορρίπτονται, κατά την κρίση του εκάστοτε υπαλλήλου που εξετάζει την υπόθεσή σας.

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