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Reģistrējies, lai balsotu Skotijas parlamenta vēlēšanās.

Reģistrējies, lai balsotu Skotijas parlamenta vēlēšanās.

2021. gada 6. maijā Skotijā notiks Skotijas parlamenta vēlēšanas. Balsot var arī citas Skotijā dzīvojošas ārvalsts pilsonis, kuram ir tiesības ieceļot vai uzturēties Apvienotajā Karalistē vai kuram šāda tiesība nav vajadzīga. Termiņš, līdz kuram jāreģistrējas balsošanai, ir 2021. gada 19. aprīlis. Reģistrācijas termiņš balsošanai pa pastu ir 2021. gada 6. aprīlis.

EUSS quarterly statistics for December 2020

EUSS quarterly statistics for December 2020

On 25 February 2021, The Home Office published the latest quarterly information on applications received and cases concluded to the EUSS for local authorities and regions from 28 August 2018 to 31 December 2020. We have decided to have a closer look at the figures for local authorities in Scotland and nationalities that submitted the most applications in each of those local authorities.

Applying for settled and pre-settled status requires genuine residence

Applying for settled and pre-settled status requires genuine residence

I am aware, from discussions on the internet and questions at meetings, that some EU citizens have wondered whether they could travel to the UK before the end of 2020 and stay in the UK temporarily, perhaps for a very short period, with the idea of acquiring status under the Settlement Scheme as a type of ‘insurance policy’. The intention is not to live in the UK at that stage, but to be able to use that status to secure a right to reside in the UK at some future date if they wished or needed to do so.

EU Settlement Scheme statistics for Scotland

EU Settlement Scheme statistics for Scotland

At the end of August, the Home Office has published new quarterly statistics of the EU Settlement Scheme. We had a closer look at these statistics wondering what nationalities have submitted the most EUSS applications in Scotland and which local authorities have the largest number of applications. Then, we looked at the top 10 of these local authorities and checked which nationalities submitted the most applications in each of them.