Launching Settled Scotland

Launching Settled Scotland: a network of volunteer EUSS adviser to help the most vulnerable

Settled Scotland focuses on providing information on, and assistance with, the application process for the settled or pre-settled status for EU and EEA nationals living in the UK.

The organisation runs the ‘Settled Status Angels’ programme with the aim of recruiting local volunteers who will reach the EU and EEA nationals living across Scotland and, if needed, provide assistance with the settled or pre-settled status application process. All volunteers will receive relevant training on the settled status application scheme, with the aim of becoming registered under the OISC Level 1 special scheme for community groups, charities and other not-for-profit organisations providing advice on EU Settled Status scheme applications. They will be covered by the project’s indemnity insurance.

The Citizens Rights Project is therefore looking for community leaders, caseworkers, or local organisers with experience in social work or similar (e.g: citizens rights, community development, cultural integration and diversity, migrant issues, vulnerable individuals and communities, etc.), to become volunteers for the ‘Settled Status Angels’ programme. Your role will be to provide advice about the EU Settlement Scheme, and assistance with application process to eligible EU community members. You will receive free training in the relevant immigration law and acquire experience in providing vulnerable EU/EEA nationals with immigration advice.

We offer volunteer placements to willing and eligible candidates who can dedicate a few hours a week of their time.

The placements are open to anyone with right to reside in the UK, and is not limited to UK and other EU nationals. However, speakers of another European language as well as English are especially welcome to join the programme.


A role as a Settled Status Angel will give you an opportunity to:

  • receive free training and OISC Level 1 accreditation (limited to the EU Settlement Scheme);
  • acquire experience providing 1-1 advice under the supervision of an experienced advisor;
  • provide language and technological support in making applications to the EU settlement scheme;
  • work closely with vulnerable community members with complex needs and assist them in the process of securing their legal rights in the UK;
  • learn details about the EU settlement scheme;
  • join the network of organisations who support the EU communities in the UK

This role of the Settled Status Angels will be:

  • To raise awareness and inform other EU citizens about the Settlement Scheme.
  • To deliver information sessions (if you are able and wish to do so) and/or one to one help to EU, EEA citizens and their family members to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme focusing on vulnerable groups (e.g: disabled, elderly, homeless, romas, victims of domestic abuse, etc)
  • To signpost EU citizens to other services or charities that might be able to assist them with their case.
  • To keep accurate records of citizens helped by Settled.
  • To be a point of contact in your local community or workplace regarding the Settlement Scheme.
  • To network with other local organisations and local community groups regarding the EUSS.
  • To give the best possible and up to date information so people can make the right choices and get the best possible outcome if they decide to apply.

If you wish to become a Settled Status Angel contact: Gabriela Ingle 0780526728

This project is organised by the EU Citizens Rights’ Project Scotland in association with and Settled UK — a nationwide charity whose mission is to guide, inform and assist EU citizens who are at-risk of being left behind, due to their specific life circumstances. Settled UK was established by “the3million” — the largest not-for-profit organisation protecting the rights of EU immigrants in the UK.

Settled Status Scotland has been organised with an assistance of a grant from the Scottish Government.

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