Citizens Rights Project is hiring a part-time eVisa Transition Project Worker. This role involves providing direct support to vulnerable migrants...
Oferim informații, sfaturi și suport pentru cetățenii Uniunii Europene din Scoția
Ultimele știri
Have you received a rent increase from your private landlord / letting agent? Here’s how you can challenge it
Since the lifting of the rent cap in April 2024, private landlords and letting agents have been issuing rent increase notices. Here's how you can challenge yours.
Do not lose your benefits: what to do if you receive a Universal Credit Migration Notice
Some benefits and tax credits will soon be ending and replaced by Universal Credit. Learn what to do and where to get help if you get a Migration Notice.
Joining Family Members under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)
In this article you can learn more about the requirement and process of bringing your family members to the UK under the EUSS.
7th Anniversary of the Brexit Referendum: Reflecting on the Journey
Today, on June 23, 2023, we commemorate the 7th anniversary of the Brexit referendum—a day that brought about significant changes to the United Kingdom's relationship with the European Union.
Activity report 2022
This activity report describes the activities the Citizens Rights Project have carried out over in 2022 with funding from the Scottish Government, the Home Office, the Justice Together Initiative, the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations, the People’s Postcode Trust and the Italian Comites.
New project – Free multilingual welfare workshops for people with pre-settled and settled status in Scotland
Citizens Rights Project has secured funding to organize FREE multilingual in-person welfare workshops throughout Scotland to enhance the understanding of EU citizens and their family members regarding their rights.
EU citizens in Scotland want physical proof of their immigration status
Nearly 90% of the participants who have completed a survey organised by the Citizens Rights Project have said that they would like to have a physical proof of their pre-settled or settled status to reside in the UK. At the moment, EU citizens who have the right to stay in the UK can only prove that with a digital profile.
Citizens Rights Project awarded £10,000 to raise awareness on the Windrush Scheme across Scotland
We are delighted to announced that our project is one of the 13 organisations to receive funding through the Windrush Community Fund.
20/09/2021 | CRP Activity Report (June 20- Dec 21)
This activity report describes the activities the Citizens Rights Project have carried out over the period since June 2020.
16/09/2021 | “Asking some important questions” report
A new report asking important questions to the UK & Scottish Governments following Brexit.
Frequently Asked Questions about the EU Settlement Scheme
In this new resource we have gathered common questions about the EU Settlement Scheme, based on queries from our followers, supporters and clients.
13/04/2021 | Sistemul de imigrare pe bază de puncte al Marii Britanii: noțiuni introductive
Libera circulație între Marea Britanie și Uniunea Europeană a luat sfârșit pe 31 decembrie 2020 și, pe 1 ianuarie 2021,...
7/03/2021 | Înregistrați-vă pentru a vota la alegerile parlamentului scoțian
Următoarele alegeri pentru Parlamentul Scoției vor avea loc joi, 6 mai 2021. În calitate de cetățean al UE, SEE sau elvețian, puteți vota pentru membrii parlamentului scoțian (MSP), care vă reprezintă și iau decizii cu privire la probleme descentralizate în Scoția.
30/03/2021 | Research paper on access to benefits and pensions for EU citizens
You can now access our latest research briefing on access to welfare benefits and pensions for EU citizens with pre-settled and settled status prepared by Nina Miller Westoby, a socio-legal researcher based at the University of Glasgow.
17/9/2020 | New resource for non-EEA family members
This leaflet has been written with a specific focus on non-EU citizens who have a current or former connection to an EU citizen, as a family member.
02/02/2021 | Donate to our hardship fund to help the most vulnerable EU citizens
We have launched an appeal to raise funds to assist the most vulnerable clients with some of the costs they might incur to be able to apply for pre-settled or settled status.
20/01/2021 | A new online rights service for the Polish and Spanish communities in Edinburgh
The Citizens Rights Project will soon open a multilingual rights centre for EU citizens in Edinburgh during the pandemic who needs assistance with their employment, housing and benefits rights, among other things.
24/12/2020 | Closure of our phone helpline until 10th January 2021
If you want to get in touch with our project to enquire about the EU Settlement Scheme, please use email us on or message us in Facebook. You can write to us in any EU language.
21/12/2020 | Frontier worker permit launched
On 10 December 2020 the United Kingdom opened up a process for EU, EEA and Swiss nationals to apply for a frontier worker permit, which will allow them to come to the UK to work while living elsewhere.