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EU Settlement Scheme Deadlines Explained

What is the 'settled status' application deadline? When do you need to apply for the status? What changes for the applicants to the EU Settlement Scheme from 1 January 2021? Join our free online information sessions about "EUSS application deadlines" to find out! The live Facebook video will be streamed at 10:00 am on 10th...

O terminach składania wniosków o status osiedleńczy

Jaki jest termin składania wniosków o status osiedlony? Od kiedy trzeba przebywać w Wielkiej Brytanii aby móc aplikować o status? Jakich zmian mogą spodziewać się osoby składające wnioski po 1 stycznia 2021? Dołącz do naszej darmowej prezentacji online "o terminach składania wniosków" aby poznać odpowiedzi! Prezentacja będzie wyświetlana na żywo na naszym profilu na Facebooku....

Los plazos del EU Settlement Scheme

¿Cuál es la fecha límite para solicitar el estatus de pre-asentado o asentado? ¿Cuándo tengo que solicitarlo? ¿Qué cosas cambian para los solicitantes del EU Settlement Scheme a partir del 1 de enero de 2021? Asiste a nuestra sesión informativa online y gratuita sobre "Los plazos del EU Settlement Scheme" para enterarte. La organización Citizens...

Scadenze per la Registrazione – Sessione online

Qual è il termine per la presentazione della domanda del Settled Status? Quando è necessario farne richiesta? Cosa cambia dal 1° gennaio 2021 per coloro che fanno domanda all’EU Settlement Scheme? Partecipa alla nostra sessione informativa online gratuita sulle "scadenze per le domanda all’EU Settlement Scheme" per scoprirlo! Citizens Rights Project è regolamentata dall'OISC. Ref....

Explicarea termenului limită pentru statutul de stabilit

Care este termenul limită de depunere a cererii pentru statutul de pre-stabilit/stabilit? Când trebuie să solicitați statutul? Ce modificări apar pentru solicitanții statutului de pre-stabilit/stabilit începând cu 1 ianuarie 2021? Alăturați-vă sesiunii noastre gratuite de informații online pentru a afla mai multe despre termenul limită de depunere a cererii pentru statutul de pre-stabilit/stabilit ! Citizens...

On-line event for EU citizens in Scotland with the Scottish Government Minister for Migration

Find out more about the Scottish Government’s ‘Stay in Scotland’ programme at this free event on Tuesday 22 December at 6pm. The ‘Stay in Scotland’ programme aims to support EU citizens living in Scotland to remain in Scotland for the long-term. At this event, the Scottish Government Minister for Migration, Ben Macpherson MSP, will make...

EU students in Scotland after Brexit

Are you an EU, EEA or Swiss student at one of the Scottish Universities? Do you want to know how Brexit has affected your right to study in Scotland? Join our free webinar with solicitors Andy Knox and Filip Angelov, where we will explain more about: Who can apply for settled or pre-settled status? How...

Criminality and the EU Settlement Scheme

Are you unsure to apply for settled status because of your past convictions? Are you not sure which convictions you should declare in your application? Have you applied but are waiting for a long time for a decision because of the convictions you declared? Do you want to know how you can appeal the Home...

Information session in British Sign Language

Citizens’ Rights Project joins the Royal Association for Deaf people in a free information session on updates on the EU Settlement Scheme in British Sign Language. Learn more on: - How to bring your family to the UK after 31.12.2020? - How to prove your settled or pre-settled status? - How to update your new...