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[ES] Sesión sobre derechos laborales para trabajadoras hispanohablantes – Edimburgo

Melting Pot 15 Calton Rd, Edinburgh

En esta sesión informativa se cubrirán los siguientes temas. - Derechos Laborales de los/as empleados/as desde el primer día de empleo hasta los dos años de empleo. - Contratos de trabajo. - Discusión de casos reales. La sesión se ofrecerá en inglés con la presencia de intérprete de español. Todos los materiales del curso...

Free EU Settlement Scheme support session in Craignure

Craignure Village Hall Isle Of Mull

Citizens Rights Project is vising Isle of Mull to provide support to EU/EEA/Swiss nationals and their family members with applications to the EU Settlement Scheme and their digital status. We can help with: - Late applications - Switching from pre-settled to settled status - Family reunion - Checking the state of an existing application. -...

Free drop in session for EU nationals in Oban

Carr Gomm 16 Soroba Rd, Oban

Citizens Rights Project is vising Oban to provide support to EU/EEA/Swiss nationals and their family members with applications to the EU Settlement Scheme and their digital status. We can help with: - Late applications - Switching from pre-settled to settled status - Family reunion - Checking the state of an existing application. - Refusals -...

Webinar – UK Pension system for EU nationals

How long you have to work in the UK to get pension?What happens with your pension when you return to your country?What to do if you have several pension schemes from different jobs? Join our free webinar with experts from Money Helper and learn more about UK pension system. The webinar will take place on...

Having a baby in Scotland – Free information session for EU nationals

Few things are more life changing than having a baby. Becoming a parent is incredible, but it can cause a lot of change in your financial life too. This workshop aims to help you to understand maternity/ paternity leave and pay, pay when you adopt a child and the benefits and financial support you may...

[LT] Kreditas ir skola – nemokama internetinė informacijos sesija

Pinigų skolinimasis gali būti labai sudėtingas, nuo įvairių kredito produktų iki žargonų. Ši informacijos sesija bus išversta Lietuviškai, ir atsakys klausimus: - į ką reikia atsižvelgti, jei norite skolintis pinigų - kas nutinka, jei jums sunku grąžinti tai, ką pasiskolinote - kur galite kreiptis paramos   Registruokitės čia:  Užsiregistravę gausite prisijungimo nuorodą el. Paštu.

[RO] Atelier gratuit de consiliere în domeniul energiei

PKAVS The Gateway, North Methven Street, Perth, United Kingdom

Pregătește-te pentru iarnă – Participă la atelierul nostru gratuit de consiliere energetică! Află cum să-ți încălzești locuinta la un preț accesibil la atelierul gratuit de consiliere energetică al Proiectului HEAT! Consilierii experți ai Proiectului HEAT au ajutat deja peste 3.000 de gospodării din Perth și Kinross să economisească 15-20% din costurile lor de energie. Acum este rândul tău! Ce vei învăța: Sfaturi pentru economisirea energiei Schimbarea...

[PL] Kredyt i zadłużenia – bezpłatna sesja informacyjna online

Zmagasz się z zadłużeniem lub chcesz pożyczyć pieniądze? Dołącz do naszej bezpłatnej sesji informacyjnej online, prowadzonej przez Money Advice Scotland, która pomoże Ci zrozumieć: Czynniki, które należy wziąć pod uwagę przy zaciąganiu pożyczki Co się stanie, jeśli będziesz miał trudności ze spłatą zaciągniętej pożyczki? Gdzie można uzyskać wsparcie Sesja będzie prowadzona w języku polskim  ...

EU Citizens’ Summit for Change – Edinburgh Watch Party

Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Citizens Rights Project and The3Million have joined forces to organize the EU Citizens' Summit for Change Watch Party in Edinburgh, an event aimed at empowering and informing migrant communities in Edinburgh about their rights and opportunities. 3:30 - 5:30 PM - Know Your Rights Session Citizens Rights Project, Community Help & Advice Initiative (CHAI), Edinburgh...