Events for March 17, 2021 - January 30, 2021

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EU Settlement Scheme support in Hawick

Burnoot Community Hub 89 Burnfoot Rd, Hawick

We speak in:        Citizens' Rights Project and Feniks have joined forces to deliver free and regulated support for EU citizens in Scottish Borders in applying to the EU Settlement Scheme. If you need help with your application please book an appointment with our OISC registered adviser and visit us: ?????? ???????? ????????? ???, ??? ???...

EU Settlement Scheme support in Hawick

Burnoot Community Hub 89 Burnfoot Rd, Hawick

We speak in:        Citizens' Rights Project and Feniks have joined forces to deliver free and regulated support for EU citizens in Scottish Borders in applying to the EU Settlement Scheme. If you need help with your application please book an appointment with our OISC registered adviser and visit us: ?????? ???????? ????????? ???, ??? ???...

Online Information Session in Romanian

How to prove your settled status? If you would like to learn how to prove your pre-settled or settled status, to show that you have the right to work and live in the UK, join our online information session on November 12, 2020, at 17:30 on our Facebook page @EURightproject. Cum să vă dovediți statutul...

EU Settlement Scheme support in Duns

Duns Volunteer Hall Langtongate, Duns

We speak in:         Citizens' Rights Project and Feniks have joined forces to deliver free and regulated support for EU citizens in Scottish Borders in applying to the EU Settlement Scheme. If you need help with your application please book an appointment with our OISC registered adviser and visit us: ???? ????????? ????, ???? ??? ??...

EU Settlement Scheme support in Duns

Duns Volunteer Hall Langtongate, Duns

We speak in:         Citizens' Rights Project and Feniks have joined forces to deliver free and regulated support for EU citizens in Scottish Borders in applying to the EU Settlement Scheme. If you need help with your application please book an appointment with our OISC registered adviser and visit us: ???? ????????? ????, ???? ??? ?8...

Information session in British Sign Language

Citizens' Rights Project joins the Royal Association for Deaf people in an information session on updates on the EU Settlement Scheme in British Sign Language. Date: 25th November Location: Via Zoom Time: 2pm-4pm For more information or to book a Zoom link email:

Jornada de registro del settled status

Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Citizens´ Rights Project y Oficina Precaria han organizado una jornada para ofrecer asesoramiento gratuito y regulado en español en Edimburgo, para ciudadanos europeos que necesiten ayuda para solicitar su estatus de preasentado (pre-settled status) o asentado (settled status) Es necesaria cita previa para garantizar la seguridad de los asistentes. Puedes solicitarla escribiendo un email a...

Sesión informativa sobre el Estatus de asentado (EU Settlement Scheme)

Regístrate en esta sesión informativa sobre el EU Settlement Scheme para entender qué es, quién debe solicitar el estatus de pre-asentado (pre-settled status) o asentado (settled status), cómo, cuándo y porque es importante. También se hablará de: Las funciones del servicio de Ventanilla Única del Brexit de la Embajada española en Londres. Solicitudes de menores,...

EU Settlement Scheme Deadlines Explained

What is the 'settled status' application deadline? When do you need to apply for the status? What changes for the applicants to the EU Settlement Scheme from 1 January 2021? Join our free online information sessions about "EUSS application deadlines" to find out! The live Facebook video will be streamed at 10:00 am on 10th...

O terminach składania wniosków o status osiedleńczy

Jaki jest termin składania wniosków o status osiedlony? Od kiedy trzeba przebywać w Wielkiej Brytanii aby móc aplikować o status? Jakich zmian mogą spodziewać się osoby składające wnioski po 1 stycznia 2021? Dołącz do naszej darmowej prezentacji online "o terminach składania wniosków" aby poznać odpowiedzi! Prezentacja będzie wyświetlana na żywo na naszym profilu na Facebooku....