The issues and opportunities facing EU citizens in the UK

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The issues and opportunities facing EU citizens in the UK
11 мая, 2024 @ 2:00 пп - 5:00 пп

More than six million EU citizens have acquired the right to stay in the UK after Brexit. Some, however, still have difficulty getting their settled status. Others experience problems at the UK Border – some even being refused entry. But it’s not all bad news, EU and other European citizens are making a big positive contribution to the UK’s economy and society.
This free conference looks at the experience of EU and other European citizens in the UK, and Scotland in particular. Topics for discussion will include:
- Continuing problems with the EU settlement scheme
- EU citizens experience in the job market and education
- Discrimination and social exclusion – the EU citizen experience
- The opportunities for EU citizens to participate in the democratic process in Scotland, UK, and Europe
- The positive contributions EU and European citizens make to the UK
We have a great line-up of expert speakers:
- Pawel Kopec, Outreach and Information Officer, Citizens Rights Project
- Tamara Flanagan, Senior Adviser, and Else Kvist, Press and Communications Manager, New Europeans
- Chris Murray, Policy Manager, Migration Unit, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
- Kate Botterill, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography and Bozena Sojka, Research Associate, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow
- Typhaine Morillon, Public Relations and Press Officer, European Parliament Liaison Office in UK, London
All are welcome to attend this free conference. It will be of particular interest to:
- People working for or with EU and European citizens
- Those involved with or supporting EU and European citizens community organisations
- Elected members and officers from Scottish and UK parliament and government
- Consuls and other representatives
- Academic researchers and students interested in issues of EU and European migration
We would be particularly interested to hear from individual EU and other European citizens about their own experience with the EU settlement scheme, dealing with government departments and agencies, and other organisations. There will be plenty of time for comments and views from those attending the event.
Sponsored by the Citizens Rights Project and New Europeans UK