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Switching from pre-settled to settled status

Switching from pre-settled to settled status

If you were granted pre-settled status, also known as limited leave to remain, after applying to the EU Settlement Scheme, you will need to apply for settled status (indefinite leave to remain) before your pre-settled expires.

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Immigration information for UE and Non-EU nationals experiencing Domestic Abuse

Are you an EU or non-EU national in an abusive relationship whose immigration status depends on an EU/EEA/Swiss partner with settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)? If you are thinking about leaving your partner (or have already left them) because of domestic violence or abuse, and you are worried about your immigration status in the UK, you should seek legal advice from a solicitor or an OISC adviser and collect as much evidence as possible.

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Pieteikšanās ES Pilsoņa statusam pēc pieteikšanās termiņa beigām

Pieteikšanās ES Pilsoņa statusam pēc pieteikšanās termiņa beigām

Tiem, kuriem ir tiesības pieteikties ES Pilsoņa statusm*, joprojām var pieteikties pastāvīgā vai pagaidu iedzīvotāja statusa saņemšanai, kaut arī pieteikšanās termiņš 2021. gada 30. jūnijs jau ir beidzies. Novēloti pieteikumi ir pašu pieteicēju ziņā. Tas nozīmē, ka pieteikuma iesniedzējam ir jāpaskaidro un jāpierāda, kādēļ peieteikšanās nav notikusi noteiktajā termiņā. Iekšlietu ministrijas darbinieks (referents) izvērtēs vai pieteikuma iesniedzējs atbilst vienai no kategorijām un bija pamatots iemesls novēlotam pieteikumam, un izlems vai pieteikumu pieņemt, vai noraidīt.

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EUSS Statistics for 30th September 2021

EUSS Statistics for 30th September 2021

In late November, the Home Office published more detailed, quarterly statistics and so we decided to have a closer look on the figures for Scotland and Scottish local authorities.

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EUSS Statistics for 30th June 2021

EUSS Statistics for 30th June 2021

In late September, the Home Office published more detailed, quarterly statistics and so we decided to have a closer look on the figures for Scotland and Scottish local authorities.

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Proving your right to work in the UK

Proving your right to work in the UK

From 1st July 2021 UK employers face changes in right to work checks for EEA nationals. Until 30th June 2021, EEA nationals could prove their right to work by presenting a valid ID document but now, new employees must provide proof that they have been granted (or at least applied for) status under the EU Settlement Scheme.

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Reģistrējies, lai balsotu Skotijas parlamenta vēlēšanās.

Reģistrējies, lai balsotu Skotijas parlamenta vēlēšanās.

2021. gada 6. maijā Skotijā notiks Skotijas parlamenta vēlēšanas. Balsot var arī citas Skotijā dzīvojošas ārvalsts pilsonis, kuram ir tiesības ieceļot vai uzturēties Apvienotajā Karalistē vai kuram šāda tiesība nav vajadzīga. Termiņš, līdz kuram jāreģistrējas balsošanai, ir 2021. gada 19. aprīlis. Reģistrācijas termiņš balsošanai pa pastu ir 2021. gada 6. aprīlis.

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EUSS quarterly statistics for December 2020

EUSS quarterly statistics for December 2020

On 25 February 2021, The Home Office published the latest quarterly information on applications received and cases concluded to the EUSS for local authorities and regions from 28 August 2018 to 31 December 2020. We have decided to have a closer look at the figures for local authorities in Scotland and nationalities that submitted the most applications in each of those local authorities.

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Citizens Rights Project launches appeal for hardship fund for EU citizens

Citizens Rights Project launches appeal for hardship fund for EU citizens

We have launched an appeal to raise funds to assist the most vulnerable clients with the costs of their travel, paying for new ID documents, or even taking a passport photo. There are only few hardship funds available in Scotland and our clients are often not eligible to apply for either of them and rely on private discretionary donations.

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