In this article we explain how to access and update your eVisa. This is also known as your digital profile. We also explain how to recover your account if you lost access to both your email address and phone number.
Author: Pawel Kopec (Pawel Kopec)
Transição para os vistos em formato eletrónico (eVisa): o que precisa de saber
O Home Office (Ministério da Administração Interna) do Reino Unido está a substituir todos os documentos físicos com um novo sistema digital chamado eVisa. Esta mudança afeta tanto os migrantes atualmente residentes no Reino Unido, como novos requerentes de visto.
Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA): Everything You Need to Know Before Visiting the UK in 2025
Starting in 2025, visitors to the UK who do not currently require a visa for short stays or do not already hold UK immigration status will need to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) before entering the country. The first group of travelers, primarily non-visa nationals planning to visit the UK on or after January...
Najnowsze zmiany w Systemie Osiedleńczym
30 czerwca 2024 minęły 3 lata od terminu składania wniosków o Status Osiedleńczy. W poniższym artykule staramy się uchwycić najważniejsze zmiany jakie zaszły w Systemie Osiedleńczym w czasie ostatnich 12 miesięcy.
CRP Notes: Europe Day 2024
CRP team took part in several events celebrating Europe Day 2024. Here's the short overview of how great time we had over the busy weekend in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
CRP notes: 20 years of freedom. Lessons for Europe Day.
In the wake of this year’s Europe Day we are reflecting on the rights of EU nationals over time and considering our role in protecting them in a new post-Brexit reality.
CRP notes: Out-of-reach or outreach?
In this blog post, we share a glimpse into our recent outreach activities, including meetings with influential figures and collaborations with other organisations.
CRP notes: The one when Citizens Rights Project Travelled to the West
Citizens Rights Project recently travelled westward to Craignure (Isle of Mull) and Oban and provided essential aid to 15 individuals navigating the complexities of the EU Settlement Scheme.
Citizens Rights Project meets The Independent Monitoring Authority
On Thursday, March 14th, we had the pleasure of meeting with the Independent Monitoring Authority (IMA) at the Scottish Government offices to discuss recent challenges encountered by EU nationals and their families in Scotland.