
Najnowsze zmiany w Systemie Osiedleńczym

Najnowsze zmiany w Systemie Osiedleńczym

30 czerwca 2024 minęły 3 lata od terminu składania wniosków o Status Osiedleńczy. W poniższym artykule staramy się uchwycić najważniejsze zmiany jakie zaszły w Systemie Osiedleńczym w czasie ostatnich 12 miesięcy.

CRP Notes: Europe Day 2024

CRP Notes: Europe Day 2024

CRP team took part in several events celebrating Europe Day 2024. Here's the short overview of how great time we had over the busy weekend in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

CRP notes: Out-of-reach or outreach?

CRP notes: Out-of-reach or outreach?

In this blog post, we share a glimpse into our recent outreach activities, including meetings with influential figures and collaborations with other organisations.

EUSS Statistics for 31st December 2022

EUSS Statistics for 31st December 2022

In late February, the Home Office published more detailed, quarterly statistics and we decided to have a closer look on the figures for Scotland and Scottish local authorities. We decided to have a look at the EUSS numbers by 31st December 2022 and compare them with those from the end of 2021.